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Food is your Medicine

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Do you know that having the right food can help with some of your symptoms? Having the wrong food can make you sick also. Even the good foods with too much in quantity can cause imbalance?

Fennel: Reduce bloating

Ginger: Warm stomach, but too much can create stomach heat.

Turmeric: anti-inflammatory

Gogi and Jujubes: Nourish blood

Kiwi: high in vitamin C

Black beans: helps with kidney meridian

Spinach, greens, orange red color fruits vegetables, red meat iron rich food all provide ingredients to make more red blood cells, so you don't end up with anemia or low RBC!


Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Treatment

Frequency Resonance Microcurrent treatments were originally developed in the 1920s by Dr. Albert Abrams who reported miraculous recoveries from medical conditions.

The use of frequencies(FSM) to treat medical conditions has made a resurgence in the last two decades when Dr. Carolyn McMakin MA, DC of Washington together with other practitioners started to develop protocols and reproduce many successful results. FSM is now being used by numerous practitioners in various specialties (MDs, DCs, NDs, PTs) to treat myofascial pain and neuropathic pain and many conditions in clinical practices. It has also been used in the sports injuries because of its benefits in decreasing inflammation and improving recovery time in injured athletes.

The use of frequencies(FSM) to treat medical conditions has made a resurgence in the last two decades when Dr. Carolyn McMakin MA, DC of Washington together with other practitioners started to develop protocols and reproduce many successful results. FSM is now being used by numerous practitioners in various specialties (MDs, DCs, NDs, PTs) to treat myofascial pain and neuropathic pain and many conditions in clinical practices. It has also been used in the sports injuries because of its benefits in decreasing inflammation and improving recovery time in injured athletes.

Naturopathic Manipulation Chiropractic Care

High Velocity Low Amplitude techniques are used for restrictions or Non Allopathic Lesions in Naturopathic Physical Medicine. Naturopathic manual therapy also integrates chiropractic and osteopathic techniques. Within the scope of practice, Naturopathic Physical Medicine utilizes therapeutic massage, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, botanical medicine and many other modalities to facilitate healing process. NAET allergy elimination techniques developed by Dr. Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc combining natural balancing of energy of meridians by Chiropractic techniques, medical knowledge of both acupuncturist and MD. Everyone is unique. Dr. Lily Jei-ho Chang tries her best in finding the most suitable manipulation techniques for each individual manipulation

techniques. Within the scope of practice, Naturopathic Physical Medicine utilizes therapeutic massage, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, botanical medicine and many other modalities to facilitate healing process. NAET allergy elimination techniques developed by Dr. Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc combining natural balancing of energy of meridians by hiropractic techniques, medical knowledge of both Acupuncturist and MD. Everyone is unique. Dr. Lily Jei-ho Chang tries her best in finding the most suitable manipulation techniques for each individual.


Acupuncture and Moxibustion have been used for over 4000 years. It's proven to be very effective in treating many illnesses. Nowadays, hair thin like needles and moxa (dried mugwort) are commonly used in Acupuncture treatment. Based on the signs, symptoms and underlying causes, acupuncture and moxa may assist healing and find the harmony within mind, body, spirit. NAET allergy elimination techniques combines acupuncture meridian balancing and adjustments.

Herbal Medicine


Each Herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine has unique combination of Qi and Wei (四氣五味), and it can enter channels and zangfu organs (經絡臟腑). San Fu Tian treatment utilizes herbs to enter zangfu channels topically. Some are taken orally. Depending how it's processed, prepared, pairing with others, herbs can work synergistically with designated roles of chief, deputy, assistant and evoy in a formula.

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